Swissgas, which was founded on 7 April 1971 as a private limited company, is a joint service platform for four regional shareholders (regional companies) and provides its services in their behalf. The Association of the Swiss Natural Gas Industry (Verband der Schweizerischen Gasindustrie – VSG) is also a shareholder.
Formerly, the purpose of the Company, in collaboration with the regional companies, was to supply Switzerland comprehensively with natural gas in all its forms and to safeguard its interests in Switzerland and abroad.
In 2019, the shareholders as part of a strategic reorientation decided that Swissgas should be unbundled and no longer be active in the natural gas procurement sector but rather be explicitly reorganized as a network operator. Ever since, Swissgas has stopped procuring any natural gas other than small quantities in the performance of a procurement agreement that will remain in effect until April 2023. Procurement of the required volumes of natural gas is under the control and responsibility of the regional companies and other procurement entities.
The company's main objective has now become ensuring a secure supply with respect to conveyance and competitive network operation. To that purpose, Swissgas has a proprietary network of natural gas pipelines of a total length of 260 km.
Quantity of natural gas transported through Swissgas grid | 20,072 GWh |
Transited quantity of natural gas | 1,772 GWh |
Total length of the pipeline network | 260 km |
Balance sheet total | CHF 200,9 million |
Proceeds from deliveries and services | CHF 58,6 million |
Cumulative Investments | CHF 361,6 million |
100 % Swissgas Speicher AG, Zurich
Analyses, clarifications and activities related to natural gas storage
51 %* Transitgas AG, Zurich:
Technical operation and maintenance of the transitgas Pipeline
5,3 % Swiss Gas Invest AG, Vevey
4,9 % FluxSwiss Sagl, Lugano:
Commerical operation of the transitgas capacity
(*Share of voting rights 50 %; share of the transport capacity approx. 11 %)